Practical Approaches to Big Wins: Getting the Interim and Permanent Housing Every City Needs: Success Stories and Cautionary Tales

Practical Approaches to Big Wins: Getting the Interim and Permanent Housing Every City Needs: Success Stories and Cautionary Tales

With so many cities facing a worsening housing and homelessness crisis, many are seeking quick scalable solutions for emergency, interim and permanent attainable housing. The challenges associated with making these projects come to life can seem daunting. The good news is many cities and states are easing policy or allowing pilot programs in an attempt to find solutions. This session aims to give light to a road map based off previous successes stories, innovations and cautionary tales almost any city can replicate quickly and scale with. We have assembled game changers, policy makers, innovators and pioneers to share their successes and horror stories of how they are making a dent in the affordable housing crisis.